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Humidors are Important for Cigar Storage

Cigar Articles cigars humidor models preserving your cigars storage temperatures

storing cigars in a humidor

Smoking cigars are a great way to pass time for anyone who enjoys the flavor. They’re known to be associated with the finer things in life. It takes a certain individual to smoke a cigar, and some individuals smoke them only for special occasions, while others simply enjoy the taste and action of smoking. Whatever the reason, anyone who does know how important it is to properly store and maintain them for maximum freshness, moisture, and flavor has one.

Purchasing a humidor from BnB Tobacco is a great investment because they protect the cigars from our environment. If you were to leave your cigars sitting on a table or in a desk drawer, they’d simply dry out. This is because the temperatures that’re comfortable to us, might be devastating to the cigars, which will cause them to become brittle and break.

Humidors are climate controlled and specially made for the storage of cigars. Recent models of humidors come equipped with gauges that measure the internal humidity and temperature. A humidor simulates the proper growing environment of tobacco, which needs the humidity level to stay between 70-75% while the temperature should stay between 68-70 degrees. When a humidor’s properly maintained, it provides an optimal environment for the cigars, and again helps to achieve maximum freshness and taste. Proper storage of your cigars will result in them lasting for years.

When choosing a humidor, there are many different colors, styles and sizes that’ll fit your storage needs. For individuals who’re avid cigar smokers, it may be best to have several humidors which can store away different flavors. Often when the box’s emptied of one flavor, subtle flavor notes are left behind, making it best to only use that box for that flavor. Adding different flavors together can have a negative effect on the flavor and puffing experience.

Buying a humidor won’t only protect those expensive cigars, but it’ll also make them last for a long time. This is an absolute buy and well worth the price for anyone who smokes cigars.

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