Natural Hemp Wraps
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High Hemp Organic Wraps

High Hemp 88888 88888 Wraps

High Hemp Bare Berry Wraps

High Hemp Hydro Lemonade Wraps

High Hemp Grape Ape Wraps

High Hemp Maui Mango Wraps

High Hemp Dutch Cream Wraps

High Hemp Pineapple Paradise Wraps

High Hemp Banana Goo Wraps

High Hemp Baked Kookie Wraps

Wild Hemp Natural Hemp Wraps

Zig Zag Natural Hemp Wraps

Zig Zag OG Purp Hemp Wraps

High Hemp Blazin Cherry Wraps
If you're into smokables, you've landed on the ideal page for all of your needs. Hemp wraps are one of the best ways to roll your tobacco or smokables. In most cases, these wraps are wholly organic and can give you a rich, untainted smoking experience or enhance that experience with mouth-watering flavors.
Unlike paper wraps, hemp wraps are 100% tobacco and nicotine-free, meaning they are a safer alternative to blunt wraps and cigar wraps. Our fully packed inventory provides high-quality hemp fiber wraps and offers unflavored options that will allow you to experience the great taste of the wraps and smokables themselves. With hemp, your smoke is free from the most harmful side effects from tobacco leaves or other chemicals used to treat paper and cigar wraps.
If you prefer to sweeten the taste of your smoke, then you're in for a real treat. You'll find over 40 different flavors ranging from deliciously ripe berries to creamy vanillas or the perfect blend of something tropical to take you away to your favorite vacation getaway.
Available in many different sizes, quantities, and packaging, we also offer fantastic wholesale options! Visit our Wholesale Registration if you haven't already applied, and when approved, enjoy free shipping on any orders over $1,999 and a %2 EFT discount.
For those just looking for the best selection of hemp wraps delivered right to your home, make sure to sign up for our loyalty program. Our loyalty program is a means to thank our customers who have made our tobacco store one of the top stores online today. When you become a member (for free!), every purchase earns you loyalty points that can be redeemed for exclusive rewards at our shop.
Finding our fantastic selection of hemp wraps is a bit overwhelming due to many choices are available? Please feel free to use our convenient filters. There, you can narrow down your search by filtering brands, flavors, packaging, and even type to find precisely what you want. Do you have any questions about our hemp wraps or any of our exceptional BnB Tobacco products? Please feel free to reach out and contact us. Call us at 1-888-883-5596, join our live chat or send us a message. It would be our pleasure to help.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are hemp wraps good for?
Hemp is a highly versatile variety of the cannabis sativa plant. It has many uses, especially in industrial and commercial help products like textiles, clothing, rope, paper, bioplastics, and biofuel.
While in the same family of other cannabis plants, hemp has much lower tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels. One of the prevalent uses of hemp is hemp wraps, often enjoyed by people who decide to roll their own cigarettes.
Hemp wraps are thin, flat sheets of paper that resemble traditional rolling papers but are thicker than the standard and created from hemp instead of tobacco-based rolling papers or blunt wraps. They can be created from thin paper sheets rolled into hemp papers or made from organic hemp fiber pulp, then shaped into thin sheets and left to dry to create hemp wraps.
Hemp wraps contain little to no THC, meaning you can use them like any regular rolling paper without worrying about side effects.
What is the difference between hemp wraps and blunt wraps?
It can be easy to confuse blunt wraps and hemp wraps at first, especially when it comes down to it; both wraps serve the same purpose: a container for any herb or tobacco for smoking. There is one key difference. A blunt wrap is a term for a herb or tobacco cigar. It's most often created from a tobacco leaf, identical to the wrapping of a traditional cigar, and usually contains nicotine. Since most blunt wraps are made from tobacco, they also come with many adverse side effects of conventional cigarettes.
Hemp wraps do not contain nicotine and are considered a healthier alternative. Additionally, while both come in various flavors, hemp wraps do not add intense tobacco flavors to a smoking experience.
How do you use a hemp wrap?
For glue strip hemp wraps:
- Grind your tobacco or herbs to a medium consistency for an even smoke.
- Flatten the hemp wrap and place your ground filler on top, with most in the center, minimizing toward the edges. Ensure the glue strip is facing upwards. If you want to use a filter, place it at one end of the wrap.
- Gently begin by holding the paper in a U shape, and glue the edge facing up.
- First, pinch and roll the paper gently to get it into shape. Then, hold the hemp wrap taut, rolling and rucking the paper around the filler, using a small bit of moisture to glue down in that spot. Don't soak it.
- Using the end you just glued as a guide, roll the rest of the paper into place and moisten to seal. Repeat steps 4 and 5 patently until it completely seals.
- If you have extra room at the tip, use your fingers and pack it with leftover herbs.
- Voila! Enjoy your hemp wrapped smokeable.