Turkish Pipe Tobacco Products
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Cherokee Turkish Bold Pipe Tobacco

Ohm Turkish Red Pipe Tobacco

Ohm Turkish Yellow Pipe Tobacco

Kentucky Select Black (Turkish Bold) Pipe Tobacco

Gambler Turkish Pipe Tobacco

Smokin' G Turkish Straight Pipe Tobacco

Smokin' G Turkish Mellow Pipe Tobacco
Turkish tobacco is a small-leafed, highly aromatic type of leaf tobacco that is sun-cured. Turkish tobacco plants tend to have a greater abundance of smaller-sized leaves than other tobacco types. The main characteristic that sets Turkish pipe tobacco apart from other variations is its high sugar contents, creating a natural aroma of loquats (a robust and fruity-sweet aroma), hints of licorice and honey, a splash of fig and, in some cases, notes of cream or milk.
One delight that many pipe smokers observe with Turkish pipe tobacco is that you can obtain a very soft, clean, almost white ash when you finish, and it is known for being easy to keep lit and burning evenly in the bowl.
Turkish pipe tobacco is an excellent choice for a beginner pipe enthusiast, while it is more acidic than smoke or air-cured tobacco, it is also relatively mild and may contain fewer carcinogens than other varieties. Turkish pipe tobacco has also been an excellent choice as cigarette tobacco for RYO enthusiasts worldwide for its unique flavor and curation process.
At BnB Tobacco, you can shop confidently, knowing you are getting the best prices online today and the select, highest-quality premium blends and leaves worldwide. This distinctive-tasting leaf can be enjoyed independently or expertly blended to add depth and strength to other tobaccos for a unique taste.
Turkish pipe tobacco has long been prized for its unique character and pleasant room notes. Many pipe smokers describe, along with its fruity notes, essences of brightness, grasses, hints of freshly baked bread, and even some floral notes. Our Turkish pipe tobacco selection will indeed have something for the pipe beginner, amateur, and expert alike.
Before you find the perfect Turkish pipe tobacco, why not take a few moments and consider signing up for a free membership? When you do, every purchase earns you points toward exclusive discounts here at BnB Tobacco.
Do you have any questions or concerns about our products or what we do? Please feel free to reach out to our excellent customer service. It would be our pleasure to help.
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes Turkish pipe tobacco unique?
Unlike other tobacco plants, Turkish tobacco grows smaller leaves but has a much greater number of leaves than American tobacco.
How is Turkish pipe tobacco different from other types of tobacco?
Turkish tobacco has a mild, aromatic, fruity flavor that contains fewer carcinogens and less nicotine than other known tobacco varieties, and its unique flavor profile comes from its sun curation.
Where is Turkish pipe tobacco grown?
Turkish pipe tobacco, surprisingly, is not grown in Turkey but originated from Macedonia and Thrace, two regions divided between Turkey, Greece, the Republic of Macedonia, and Bulgaria. Along with these regions, other areas that grow Turkish tobacco include South Africa, Egypt, and the Black Sea Coast of Turkey.
What are the different varieties of Turkish pipe tobacco?
There are three main conventional types of Turkish pipe tobacco. Izmir, Samsun, and Basma.