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High Hemp Honey Pot Swirl Wraps

Product Packaging Stock MSRP Price Qty Cart

Honey Pot Swirl

25 Packs of 2
25 Packs of 2
In Stock
$19.99 Save 42%
+ -

Honey Pot Swirl

2 Pack
2 Pack
In Stock
$1.50 Save 24%
+ -

High Hemp Organic Hemp Wraps Honey Pot Swirl are the first of its kind! With a smooth sweet graham and honey substitute aroma, as you open the pouch, you'll quickly fall in love. Using only natural honey substitute flavoring, High Hemp wraps continue to be 100% Vegan! Roll up the sauce High Hemp Honey Pot Swirl. 2 Wraps & 2 Tips Per Pouch.

Brand: High Hemp
Flavor: Honey
Packaging: 2 Pack
Type: Wraps
