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News — Drew Estate

Acid Kuba Kuba

Cigar Reviews Drew Estate

  The Acid Kuba Kuba is made by Drew Estate (the brand which creates all Acid cigars). The brand is based in Nicaragua, and while relatively new, they have been well received in the years since their foundation in 1998. Drew Estate is the product of Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel, two friends in New York City. Rather than hailing from a long line of cigar makers, they created their business out of nothing but hard work and imagination. Eventually they teamed up with artist Scott “Acid” Chester, who worked on the promotional end of their business and helped the...

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Natural Juicy Lucy

Cigar Reviews Drew Estate Juicy Lucy

  The Natural Juicy Lucy is a tiny cigar developed by Drew Estate. Drew Estate, the creator of Acid cigars and other favorites, is based in Nicaragua. Founded in 1998 by two college friends, Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel, the brand struggled for years to grab the attention of the cigar smoking public. Finally all the hard work paid off handsomely; Drew Estate is now a well respected brand with a global audience. The Juicy Lucy represents just one innovative product in a creative line. This diminutive cigar measures just 3×38 and fits easily in the palm of the hand....

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