Fratello Cigars, founded by Omar de Frias in 2013, has become a notable name in the premium cigar industry, known for its high-quality products and innovative blends. Omar, who once worked for NASA, launched Fratello with a passion for cigars and a desire to create distinctive smoking experiences for enthusiasts around the world. The company's name, "Fratello," means "brother" in Italian, reflecting de Frias's vision of community and camaraderie among cigar smokers.
Early Beginnings
Omar de Frias started Fratello Cigars with a clear vision and a deep passion for cigars, leveraging his background and diverse experiences to build the brand. Despite the challenges of entering a market with established players, Fratello quickly made a name for itself with its inaugural release, the Fratello Classico, which received positive reviews for its complex flavors and high-quality craftsmanship.
Growth and Expansion
Following the success of its initial offerings, Fratello expanded its lineup with several new blends, each showcasing Omar's commitment to quality and innovation. Some notable releases include the Fratello Bianco, Fratello Oro, and the Fratello Navetta, the latter inspired by Omar's time at NASA and celebrating human space exploration. Each line offered something unique, catering to a wide range of palates and preferences, and helping to cement Fratello's reputation in the premium cigar market.
Global Reach
Fratello's growth extended beyond the United States, with Omar de Frias working to establish the brand internationally. By participating in trade shows, collaborating with distributors worldwide, and engaging directly with the global cigar community, Fratello has become a recognized name in various countries, furthering its mission to bring people together through the shared experience of enjoying a fine cigar.
Recent Developments
In recent years, Fratello has continued to innovate, launching limited edition cigars and special releases that explore new blending techniques, tobacco varietals, and flavor profiles. These offerings often sell out quickly, demonstrating the brand's strong following and the cigar community's enthusiasm for Fratello's products.
Additionally, Omar de Frias has been an advocate for the cigar industry, participating in legislative efforts to protect and promote cigar rights in the United States and abroad. His leadership and visibility have made him a respected figure among peers and consumers alike.
Types of Cigars
Handmade in Nicaragua, these beauties come to you in two distinctly flavorful wrapper varieties: a bold and beefy Nicaragua Habano, and a dark and oily San Andres Negro found on the Bianco Series - the company’s very popular sophomore release. The original Fratello is a medium to full body in strength, and Bianco, its maduro cousin is medium bodied. Both offer a bevy of unique and highly complex flavors along with the outstanding quality and great taste that you have come to expect from a top-quality Nicaraguan cigar. These cigars can be found here at BnB Tobacco.