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12 Best Occasions/Events at Which You Can Enjoy Smoking a Cigar At

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There are all kinds of cigar enthusiasts out there, from daily smokers who are up to date on the latest trends, to those who savor a stogie once a year, max.  Regardless of how frequently you smoke, there’s no denying that certain occasions or events are practically begging for a cigar in hand.  If you’ve been looking for reasons to light one up, read through this list of the absolute best occasions and events for smoking.

12 Best Occasions/Events for Smoking a Cigar

While any occasion or event can be appropriate for smoking cigars (well, at least within reason), these ones below are synonymous with lighting up a stogie.  So, if you’ve a cigar in your humidor that you might be saving for a special time, big or small, read through this quick list below.

#12: Enjoying a Cigar After a Wonderful Meal

Let’s face it – sometimes the best “dessert” is a high-quality cigar, especially after a truly memorable meal.  If you’re going to the best restaurant in town, consider bringing a cigar with you, to commemorate the occasion and end an incredible experience with a special smoke you’ve been saving. 

#11: When You Just Completed a Major Job or Task

We all love that feeling of accomplishment that comes with finishing a big job or task, whether out in the professional world, or simply at home.  Whether you’ve just met a very difficult deadline, or you finished putting together a piece of furniture, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to celebrate.  So, go ahead and smoke a cigar, because you’ve earned it!

#10: Watching a Sporting Event

Sporting events bring us together with our loved ones like a few other pastimes, whether we’re at the big game or watching from a buddy’s home.  And, especially when our team has a big win, there’s nothing like lighting up a cigar to celebrate.  Just one tip: if you’re going to be smoking a cigar at a sporting event, consider bringing some extras to share with your friends.

#9: Moving into a New Place

Moving is always stressful, whether we’re renting or buying, and takes a lot of physical labor to get settled into a new place.  Despite that, it’s also a big milestone, no matter how many times we’ve done it, and something that’s worth celebrating.  When you’re ready to take a break from moving heavy furniture or unpacking, do it in style, by lighting up a cigar and enjoying your new home for a moment.  You don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to appreciate your new space amidst the hustle and bustle of moving.

#8: National Holiday Festivities

There are plenty of holidays throughout the year, and each is fully deserving of smoking a cigar.  4th of July?  Light one up during the fireworks.  Thanksgiving?  Treat yourself after to a slice of pumpkin pie.  New Years Eve?  Time to ring in the new year with an awesome cigar.  Like we said before, there’s no “wrong” occasion for smoking a cigar, so it doesn’t have to be a major holiday in order to justify enjoying a nice smoke.  And, don’t forget to choose a cigar that matches the season – like a nice, rich, and spicy flavor profile during the winter holidays, or a cigar with notes of bourbon during an all-American summer holiday festivity.

#7: When You’re on Vacation

Being on vacation is a celebration in and of itself, whether you’re traveling abroad for a month or you’re enjoying a nice weekend trip in the next state over.  And, we all want to find ways to make that special occasion feel all the more festive – by indulging in the best food in town, enjoying some local cocktails, and getting a nice hotel room to retire to after a long day of sightseeing. 

#6: Getting a Promotion at Work

There are few times we feel as accomplished as when we get a promotion at work, and then realize that all of our efforts have been rewarded and acknowledged.  And, if you’re like most people, promotions are relatively few and far between, which is why we think it’s a great opportunity to smoke a cigar and really savor the moment.

#5: Poker Night

Poker night is one of the ultimate occasions for smoking a cigar – so much so that people who don’t even smoke cigars will find themselves picking up some stogies before meeting up for a game.  Cigars go hand in hand with poker, as do some quality drinks like beer or bourbon, so we encourage you to go all out if you have a game planned.

#4: Birthdays

Let’s face it – a birthday is always a good reason to enjoy a cigar, and that’s especially true if it’s your birthday.  This is the time to treat yourself, and simply go all out by splurging on an extra special cigar that you’ve been eyeing for a while.

#3: Bachelor/Bachelorette Party

Bachelor and bachelorette parties are all about indulging without shame, which is why cigars are never a bad idea to bring along.  In fact, if there were ever a time to smoke multiple cigars in one night without feeling bad about it, it would be this kind of festivity, since there’s a good chance that your smoking will be the tamest thing about the evening.

#2: Weddings

You will have a hard time finding a wedding that doesn’t have at least a couple of attendees smoking cigars outside during the reception.  Such a monumental, once-in-a-lifetime occasion calls for the most special indulgences, cigars included.

#1: The Birth of a Newborn

Last but not least, there is an old tradition of smoking a cigar when a baby is born, and some people go so far as to see it as good luck.  It’s just as customary to bring a cigar to the father of a newborn when visiting the baby for the first time.  Of course, one thing you want to avoid is smoking that cigar right next to the baby.

There’s Never a Bad Time to Smoke a Cigar, But These Occasions and Events are a Great Excuse to Light One Up

The bottom line is that if there’s a special occasion or event of any kind, and you’re a cigar enthusiast, bring one along.  You likely won’t regret pulling out your cigar and savoring it as part of the festivities, especially if your friends or family are doing the same.

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