DIY Pipe Tobacco: How to Find the Right Ratio and Combo
The idea of making your own pipe tobacco blend can sound daunting, especially if you’re not a longtime pipe smoker to begin with. But, it really doesn’t have to be an intimidating process. No matter which tobaccos you choose, and the ratios you go with, you’re unlikely to end up with something unpalatable or difficult to smoke, meaning that the process is quite forgiving. And, it can be a fun way to get creative with your hobby, exploring new and exciting flavor profiles.
If you’re interested in making DIY pipe tobacco, we’re here to help you figure out the process and become a master in no time.
What is the Blending Process Like?
Making a tobacco blend is easy – but making a fantastic tobacco blend isn’t necessarily. That’s why we want to stress the importance of being patient with yourself – part of the fun is coming up with your own tobacco combination and ratios, and that can definitely take trial and error.
Still, there are some basic principles that you can follow. The more experience you have as a pipe smoker, the better your palate will be, as well as your understanding of what makes each type of tobacco unique. This means that you’ll be able to come up with combinations and ratios based on the characteristics you already know by heart, to make a more balanced blend. For instance, you’ll know which tobaccos to add for sweetness, richness, spiciness, and so on, and how much to add based on what’s missing from the overall flavor profile. There’s no precise formula to follow – it’s completely subjective.
Start with What You Know
Assuming that anyone who wants to make a DIY pipe tobacco has smoked various pipe tobaccos in the past, start with something of a base, based on what you already know you like. That way, you’re far less likely to be disappointed by the results, since you already know that the dominant notes of the tobacco blend are what you enjoy.
Adding a Pinch Here and There
Once you’ve got a good tobacco base down, you’ll want to add only a little bit of a more flavorful tobacco – 3-5%, give or take – since it’s easier to add than to take away. So, for instance, if you need more sweetness, add just a little bit of a sweeter tobacco, continuing to add just a little more until it’s just right.
Remember There are Many Variables
Flavor is a huge component to blending – and it can be easier said than done to come up with a great-tasting tobacco blend, since flavors of tobacco can vary so dramatically, and so getting the ideal balance isn’t so simple. But, keep in mind that flavor isn’t the only thing that will change based on which tobaccos you’re using. Burn quality, harshness, nicotine levels, and moisture levels will also differ based on the unique blend you’re going for.
The Different Tobaccos That Can Go into a DIY Pipe Tobacco Blend
It’s helpful to have a general understanding of the main tobaccos used in pipe tobacco blends, to know what each one can contribute to the end result. So, let’s break those down now.
- Burley: Burley tobacco, mainly grown in Kentucky, is known for its nutty and earthy taste, and is found in many American cigarettes. White burley is light and mild, while dark burley is rich and full-bodied.
- Virginia: Virginia tobacco is probably the most popular choice for pipe tobacco blends. It’s citrusy and sweet, with hints of tea and nuttiness. It also has a higher sugar content than burley tobacco.
- Oriental: Oriental tobaccos vary a lot in flavor profile, but what they share in common is a more complex and “exotic” flavor profile that can be rich, deep, musky, floral, herbal, or sweet. There are almost 50 strains of oriental tobaccos out there.
- Cavendish: Cavendish is not a type of tobacco, but rather a processing method that takes either burley or Virginia tobacco and heats it slowly before pressing it into a cake. The result is a dark, sweet, and rich taste that has notes of dried fruits, spices, and an almost boozy sweetness. It’s also commonly flavored with things like cherry, rum, or walnut.
- Perique: Perique is a specific tobacco plant grown in Louisiana, which is pressed and fermented to create a dark brown or black tobacco that has flavor notes of plums and black pepper.
- Latakia: Latakia tobacco is known for its smokiness, and its taste very forward, so you’ll want to go easy with it – besides the fact that it’s high in nicotine.
Some Common Tobacco Blends to Try
Now, let’s go over some of the most common blend categories you’ll find on the market, to get a good starting point. Again, the ratios can be played around with a bit to suit your personal tastes.
- English: For an English pipe tobacco, you’ll want to use Virginia and Latakia as your base, and you can add some burley, cavendish, perique, and Orientals in small amounts.
- Balkan: A Balkan blend is a lot like an English blend, except the oriental component is much higher and the Virginia tobacco is more in the background.
- Oriental: An oriental blend put oriental tobaccos front and center, with Virginia tobacco in the background to simply smooth things over. A small amount of Latakia can be added as well.
- Burley: Burley tobacco blends revolve around burley tobacco, with just small amounts – 5% or so – of additional components.
- Virginia: Virginia blends are Virginia-heavy, of course, but you can add small amounts of other tobaccos to develop a more complex flavor profile.
Blending Your Own Pipe Tobacco: Practice Makes Perfect
Making a DIY pipe tobacco blend doesn’t require taking courses or having knowledge passed down to you – although of course, those things can help. It really comes down to being open to experimenting, and having a decent foundational understanding of the ways in which different types of tobaccos interact with each other. From this point, you can start blending and have fun with the creative process.← Older Post Newer Post →