News — cigars
The Differences Between a Cigar Ashtray and a Pipe Ashtray
These days, cigar ashtrays come in all shapes, sizes and materials. Meanwhile, pipe ashtrays remain highly popular among pipe enthusiasts. Many believe that the two are virtually the same product, although this is far from the case. As you’ll see, the two types of ashtrays are very different, although sometimes difficult to tell apart.
All you need to know about Cigar Humidors
If you really want to collect and take care of your cigars, a high-quality humidor is crucial.
Top 5 Historical Cigar Cities in the USA
If you’re serious about your love of cigars, you owe it to yourself to take a road trip this summer and explore these five exceptional cigar-friendly cities
Can a Sudden Temperature Change Affect Your Cigar Being Smoked?
For those concerned about the weather altering your smoke, this article is for you.
Don't Use a Candle to Light A Cigar!
Thanks to the old superstition, many people try to tempt fate by lighting a cigar with a candle. While this method of lighting won't necessarily result in the untimely death of a distant sailor, it's still not a proper way to start your cigar-smoking session.