News — cigars
Cigar Size Variations
There are over twenty individual styles of cigars according to their dimensions. Each distinctive size having its own characteristic shape, length and ring size.
Don't Be Stressed Out When Smoking A Cigar
Smoking cigars is a great way for people to not only enjoy some of their time off from a hard day's or week's worth of work, it is also something to do when engaging in conversations with others.
Trays Don't Always Work in Humidors
There’s another factor of a humidor that’s often overlooked, and it’s the presence or lack of a tray. Trays in humidors serve a very specific function, and they can indeed be quite useful. But, sometimes it’s actually best to not use one at all, as you’ll soon find out.
How Arnold Schwarzenegger Came to Smoke Cigars
f there’s one thing that Arnold Schwarzenegger is known for besides his legendary film roles and his stint as governor of California, it’s his love of cigars.