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News — tips

Picking Up a Few Cigar Tips From Watching TV

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Doesn't it seem like the most distinguished television characters of all time always have a cigar in their hand? Since the beginning of television, the cigar has been an accessory of some of our very favorite male actors. 

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How Short Can You Go?

cigars quality stogies tips

How Short Can You Go?

One of the most controversial notions in the cigar-smoking world is that you should put out a cigar when you've smoked it halfway. 

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Using a Cigar Lighter For A Cigar Only

cigars lighters stogie tips

Using a Cigar Lighter For A Cigar Only

It’s always better to use a cigar lighter to light a stogie.

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How Strong Is Too Strong of a Cigar?

Cigar Articles Cigar How To's cigar smoking cigars strength tips

  Avoiding Cigars That Are Too Strong The potency of a cigar can be too high for some casual smokers. Recently, cigar companies have been making stronger cigars that can burn your throat and tongue as well as make your stomach upset if you are not use to the strength. Here are a few options that may help you find a cigar that is right for you here at Bnb Tobacco. Different Types of Cigars and Their Benefits The amount of nicotine in a cigar is what will make them too strong for casual smokers. Cigars that have been made...

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Don’t Leave Ash In Your Humidor!

Cigar Articles cigars humidor humidors tips

  Smoking a cigar is one of the best experiences that you’ll ever have, but only if you do it right. Being a newbie in cigar smoking, it is common for you to make mistakes and spoil the natural aromas of your stogies. Thus, you need to be really careful for how you treat your cigars. Ashing of cigars is one of the most common mistakes made by rookies. As a cigar smoker, you might be accustomed to be tapping your cigar on the ashtray once the ash accumulates or when you’re done smoking. But, in cigar smoking, things are...

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